David López, researcher at the iTEAM of UPV, participates in the ITU Workshop on Datasets for Future Networks

Geneva, Switzerland – July 16, 2024.- David López, a member of the iTEAM at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) participated in the prestigious workshop organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), titled “At the Crossroads of Standards and Research: AI/ML Datasets for Future Networks.” The event took place in the Popov Room at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

As part of ITU Study Group 13 (SG13), focused on future networks and emerging technologies, the workshop brought together researchers, professionals, and standardization experts to discuss the latest advancements, methodologies, and best practices in the generation, curation, and utilization of AI/ML datasets for future networks.

David López shared his experience accumulated during his time at Huawei and now at UPV, highlighting his dedication to data-driven network optimization. “One of the main problems is that not all companies use the same formats, which complicates data integration and, therefore, standards are needed. Additionally, operators typically do not share data with vendors or universities due to privacy concerns,” López explained.

During his presentation, López discussed how generative AI can help create datasets for sharing with academia that respect privacy but maintain the same statistical characteristics as real datasets. This proposal is crucial for overcoming privacy barriers and fostering collaboration between industry and academia.

The workshop coincided with the SG13 meeting of the ITU, which took place from July 15 to 26, 2024. This event provided a platform for participants to present their research, exchange ideas, and foster new collaborations, driving innovation in the field of future networks.

The workshop highlighted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) continue to revolutionize industries, and their integration into future networks presents both challenges and opportunities. By uniting standards and research, the key goal of the workshop was to accelerate the adoption of AI/ML technologies to shape the future network infrastructure and services.

The content of the workshop included an overview of the work carried out by the ITU-T Correspondence Group on datasets applicable to AI/ML in networks (CG-datasets), as well as contributions from relevant standardization bodies (SDOs).