Researches from the Universitat Politècnica de València, together with Virtualware, Datapixel and Avanzis, participa in the project GrafiTV: Interactive and personalized content overlay for online video. The objective of the project GRAFITV is the development of a management system for interactive content associated to online video services. The interactive content is presented on top of the video, as an enhancement layer. The interactive elements can be synchronized to elements in the video content. The system targets connected TV and mobile platforms. The main technical challenges are the insertion of interactive elements in synch with the video, as well as the detection and tracking of objects in real time.
GrafiTV (TSI-090100-2011-173) has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio within Avanza Competitividad, and FEDER funds. The project has been carried out in the period 2011-2012. In the following link there are a video about the obtained results (audio in Spanish):