The XV edition of the Future of Telecommunications Awards organized by the Colegio Oficial y Asociación Española de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos de Telecomunicación was held on March 25.
During the event the 1st prize in the category of Telecommunication Systems was awarded to Sergio Morell Ortega, student of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, for his TFG “Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer through Electromagnetic Characterization of Tissues and Endoscopic Video Analysis”, which has been carried out at the Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia in collaboration with the CVLab of the Univeristat Politècnica e València and the Hospital e la Fe de Valencia.
Narcís Carona Marcet, Conchi García Pardo, Valery Naranjo and Adrián Colomer Granero have participated in the project as tutors.
#COITT Awards #future #telecommunications #cancerdiagnosis #electromagnetics