Commemoration of the Fifth Anniversary of the First 3D Holographic Videoconference Offered by iTEAM: A Milestone in the History of Communication

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the first 3D holographic videoconference offered by iTEAM at the Global 5G Event and the EuCNC2019 congress.

The Palacio de Congresos hosted the world’s first 5G SA -Standalone, meaning autonomous and completely independent from 4G- 3D holographic videoconference, which implies better connectivity, more reliable networks, flexible and adaptable connections to the environment, low latency, and more availability of connected objects. This was developed by the multinational companies ZTE and Orange.

This innovative breakthrough took place in 2019, marking a turning point in how people interact and connect across geographical distances. The videoconference not only demonstrated the viability of holographic communication but also opened the door to countless applications in various fields. Since then, holographic technology has been adopted in areas such as education, medicine, entertainment, and business. The technology used combined motion capture techniques, laser projection, and high-speed data processing, creating an unprecedented immersive experience.

The 2019 3D holographic videoconference represents not only a technological achievement but also a symbol of how innovation can transcend borders and unite people. As we celebrate this anniversary, we look forward to a future where the barriers of distance continue to disappear, thanks to the ongoing development of disruptive technologies like holography.

This year, iTEAM is deeply involved in organizing the 35th edition of the IEEE Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), which will take place in Valencia, from September 2 to 5, 2024, at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia.

The IEEE PIMRC is one of the flagship global conferences technically sponsored by the IEEE Comsoc Society. It involves between 700 and 800 participants from around the world presenting their latest research results, technological developments, and prototype demonstrations. The conference focuses on cutting-edge research and technological developments and includes tutorials, special industry sessions, expert panels, thematic workshops, and presentations of scientific papers on all areas of mobile and wireless communications.

Under the theme “Elevating 6G Beyond Connectivity,” the IEEE PIMRC 2024 will also feature a demonstration and exhibition session aiming to showcase significant current research topics and demonstrate innovative prototypes or new industry products related to the technical scope of the conference. Additionally, the “One6G Summit,” from September 5 to 6, will bring about 250 additional attendees and about 10 technology demonstration stands to this international event.

As we have done in previously organized conferences, we will have the presence of representatives from the EU and global entities, all together maximizing opportunities for greater brand visibility and networking with industry experts and global institutions.

More information: IEEE PIMRC.