UPV and KFU establish the first holographic connection between Europe and the Middle East at the iTEAM Immersive Communications Lab

Mansoor Hanif, Executive Director Digital and Cognitive Solutions THE LINE NEOM, visited the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) to facilitate the first holographic connection between the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and King Faisal University (KFU).

During this connection, Mansoor Hanif was in the Immersive Communications Lab’s virtual stage, while KFU students asked him questions, simulating a conventional in-person lecture. This holographic connection overcame geographical and cultural barriers between the two universities.

To achieve this connection, iTEAM technicians from the Mobile Communications Group (MCG) worked in advance with KFU engineers to manage the communication between the universities.

This achievement not only represents a breakthrough in communication capabilities but also marks the beginning of a promising collaboration between academic institutions from different parts of the world.