The Institute

We are Innovation. We are Research. We are Science.

We are iTEAM.

The Institute

The Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) is a research center integrated in the Polytechnic City of Innovation, the new scientific park located at the Universitat Politècnica de València. The Institute performs its research and development (R&D) activities in the field of the Information Society Technologies (IST).

The iTEAM is formed by 8 research groups, gathering more than 150 researchers and covering 5 scientific areas related with the Telecommunication Engineering field. iTEAM also develops its R&D activities in the EPS Campus of Gandía within its own researchers and laboratories.

The iTEAM takes part in a great number of competitive R&D projects in the Regional, National and European areas. Moreover, iTEAM transfers its own knowledge and developments to the private sector through multiple agreements and joint development projects with companies.

Our History

The Telecommunication Engineering activities began at the Universitat Politècnica de València with the creation of the School of Telecommunication Engineers in 1987 and the starting up of the Communications Department in 1990. This Department centralized most of the research activities in this field until the approval and creation of the ENCIs (Non Conventional Research Entities) by the Government Board of the UPV in 1999. One of these approved ENCIs constituted the Institute of Informatics Engineering, Multimedia, Communications and Computing (IMCO2).

The IMCO2 officially developed its activities since the approval of its statutes in June 2002 to June 2004 when, due to strategic reasons, it experienced a reorganization of its integrating groups and its technological positioning, focusing on Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications activities.

As an integration of these research groups in Telecommunications and as a result of its exceptional research trajectory, the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) was created in 2004 at the UPV and received the seal of University Research Institute one year later.

Management Team

Narcis Cardona Marcet
96 387 95 81 ext. 79581

Eva Antonino Daviu
96 387 95 84
Jose Javier López
Vice-Director for Innovation and Transfer
David Gomez-Barquero
Vice-Director for Research
Associate Professor

Ivana Gasulla Mestre
Vice-Director for Economic Affairs
Associate Professor

Pau Arce Vila
Vice-Director for Promotion and Dissemination
Associate Professor
+34 96 3879588