Pascual Muñoz and José Capmany launch the new PERTE Chip Chair

  • Launch of the PERTE Chip Chair: Boosting the Semiconductor Sector in Spain.

In an effort to revitalize the semiconductor sector in Spain, Pascual Muñoz and José Capmany, members of the iTEAM at the Photonics Research Lab (PRL), have launched the new PERTE Chip Chair at the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV). This initiative is part of the PERTE Chip program, an ambitious government strategy aimed at energizing the technology ecosystem.

The PERTE Chip program, with a budget of 80 million euros, includes various actions to promote the training of professionals in the sector. Among these actions, calls for the establishment of four-year training chairs have been created. UPV has been selected to lead two of these chairs: one focused on microelectronics and another on photonic chips.

The integrated photonics chair, under the direction of Pascual Muñoz and José Capmany, offers a master’s program that accepts 10 students per edition. The master’s academic program comprises 60 credits, of which 36 credits are dedicated to theoretical training and 24 credits to practical training in sector companies. The companies supporting this chair and where students can carry out their internships are VLC Photonics, iPronics, CalSense, Ommatidia LiDAR, and Sparc.

This launch not only represents a significant advance in the training of new talents in the field of photonics but is also a key component in the government’s strategy to position Spain in the global semiconductor industry. The collaboration between the university and industry aims to create an innovative and competitive ecosystem that promotes economic growth and job creation in the technology sector.

The PERTE Chip Chair symbolizes the commitment to education and technology as drivers of sustainable development and global competitiveness for Spain. With the leadership of experts like Muñoz and Capmany, this initiative promises to be a fundamental pillar in the transformation of the semiconductor sector in the country.