Three researchers from iTEAM secure the grant to encourage research consolidation from the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, through the State Research Agency (AEI), has allocated 93.3 million euros from the European funds of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan to consolidate the careers of 439 national and international researchers in institutions within the Spanish R&D&I system.

iTEAM has three researchers who have been selected for this grant:

  • Conchi García-Pardo, with her project HEROE-6G, will address the analysis and definition of future 6G mobile networks from the perspective of minimizing human exposure to electromagnetic fields by developing both appropriate exposure measurement techniques for 6G and 6G radio management techniques to minimize such exposure.
  • David López-Pérez, with his project ZZNets, aims to revolutionize energy efficiency in cellular networks by promoting the ‘zero bits, zero watts’ paradigm through the integration and intelligent use of non-terrestrial nodes for next-generation networks.
  • David Barrera-Vilar, with his project MILESTONE, will create micrometric structures in multicore optical fibers using femtosecond laser-assisted selective etching techniques with the goal of creating optical sensor networks capable of simultaneously detecting multiple physical and chemical parameters.

The objective of this call is to encourage the creation of permanent positions in both public and private research institutions, facilitating the initiation or consolidation of a research line by financing an independent R&D&I project, as well as the adaptation and renovation of spaces and laboratories and the improvement of the equipment necessary for its execution.