The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia hosts the thirty-fifth edition of the PIMRC 2024 with prominent participation from iTEAM and UPV

The IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2024) has become one of the two most important symposia of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) in the field of wireless communications and networks. This event, which brings together experts from around the world, is supported and co-organized by iTEAM and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

The event features the participation of the Mobile Communications Group of iTEAM, which has presented the advances and results of their research. Narcís Cardona, director of iTEAM, delivered the opening speech, followed by presentations from David López, a researcher at iTEAM and Technical Chair of the event, and José F. Monserrat, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Communication at UPV.

Yesterday, influential figures such as María Marced, Corporate Director at Ceva, IQE, and Sequans Communications, and Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, shared insights on the current state and evolution of mobile technologies, as well as the challenges and opportunities to be addressed in the coming years. The invaluable support of sponsors Huawei, Rohde & Schwarz, and Orange was crucial to the success of this event.