Oferta de trabajo para trabajar en el proyecto «Monitorizacion inteligente de materiales compuestos a traves de ondas mecánicas y algoritmos de procesado no lineal de la señal» Se busca una persona para trabajar en un proyecto relacionado con la monitorización inteligente de materiales compuestos a través de ondas ...
Open Post-doc position in European project IMAGINE-B5G Overview The iTEAM Research Institute of UPV is coordinating the Horizon Europe project of the Smart Networks and Services Joint ...
Project Tactile IoT. Open position at MCG Project description Tactile IoT is a disruptive concept that will allow people to interact over long distances with higher levels of ...
TWO PhD open positions in Engineering and Noise Control at the Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group Applications are invited for two Doctoral Candidates (DCs) positions, within the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network IN-NOVA (Active reduction ...
Analysis and synthesis of gratings in SDM fibers. Position in the Photonics Research Labs Analysis and synthesis of gratings in SDM fibers PHOTONICS RESEARCH LABS The combination of specialty fibers with gratings may bring ...