Analysis and Synthesis of Virtual Sound in Transformed Domain by High-performance Computing 2003-2005 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Development and Evaluation of Wave-Field Synthesis Techniques for 3D-Sound Rendering under MPEG-4 Standard 2003-2006 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Integration of 3D-Sound and 3D-Image in a Virtual Reality System 2001-2003 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
High Performance Computing Tools for solving 1 Problems on Parallel Architectures 2009-2013 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) The Interdisciplinary Computation and Communication Group (INCO2-UPV), The High Performance Computing & Architectures (HPCA-UJI) Leer más
Spatial audio systems based on massive parallel processing of multichannel acoustic signals with General Purpose-Graphic Processing Units (GP-GPU) and Multicores 2010-2012 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring (MOMO) 2006-2007 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Equalization of Sound Systems through new Digital Filter Structures 2000-2001 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Equalization of Sound Systems by Implementing Recursive Digital Filter Structures 2000-2002 - Area: Signal Processing - Group: Audio and Communications Signal Processing Group (GTAC) Leer más
Herramienta de planificación y optimización de redes LTE (NEOPLANNER) 2010-2012 - Area: Wireless Communications - Group: Mobile Communications Group (MCG) Leer más
Efficient Delivery of ITS Messages in LTE Networks 2012-2012 - Area: Wireless Communications - Group: Mobile Communications Group (MCG) Leer más
Desarrollo de un controlador central con capacidad para gestionar redes inalámbricas de diferentes tecnologias e implementar transiciones entre redes con diversas tecnologias de acceso 2011-2011 - Area: Wireless Communications - Group: Mobile Communications Group (MCG) Leer más
The information bottleneck principle in multiterminal communication and interference 2012-2013 - Area: Wireless Communications - Group: Mobile Communications Group (MCG) Leer más