Proyectos de Investigación



This project addresses the research required for the development of mobile robotics in the cloud based on 5th generation mobile networks for the future IoT revolution. Low latency, high capacity demands, and a large number of mobile wireless entities connected to the Internet will require a continuous Ultra Dense Network (UDN) that is likely to use mmW bands to support future factory wireless connectivity. The connection network must be multi-hop, with connectivity nodes moving throughout the factory, even with drones, to ensure line of sight conditions for successful mmW communication. The nodes can cooperate in the transmission/ reception of data in a centralized or distributed way. In addition, the design of the protocol, mainly speaking of the PHY and MAC procedures, will guarantee the minimum battery consumption of the communicating machines. The objective of the project is to research and optimize the operation of RAN architectures for 5G standards beyond NR phase 2, and to design reliable and realistic PHY and MAC procedures adapted to this new communication model composed of mesh networks and mobile nodes. The ultimate goal is to achieve an improvement in the latency, reliability, and capacity of the large number of robots, drones, droids and humans that will work together in the factory of the future. In this context, the new communication paradigm of mmW and continuous UDNs together with the use of multihop cellular communications play a transversal role. During the project, the performance of the systems will be evaluated, simulations, RF measurements, and experiments with a large number of devices will be performed to validate the design principles used. For this purpose, the VLC-CAMPUS-5G will be exploited. In addition, this project aims to attract the talent of women to the new job opportunities that 5G will generate. This project has been funded by the Prometeo 2020 grant from the Generalitat Valenciana to carry out R & D & I projects for research groups of excellence. consumption of the communicating machines.



5G-TOURS vision is to improve the life in the city for the citizens and tourists, making cities more attractive to visit, more efficient in terms of mobility, and safer for everybody. 5G-TOURS builds on three themes: the touristic city (Turin), the mobility efficient city (Athens), and the safe city (Rennes). iTEAM is involved in the touristic city where visitors of museums and outdoor attractions are provided with 5G-based applications to enhance their experience while visiting the city. This includes VR/AR applications to complement the physical visit with additional content, involving interactive tactile communications. The experience of the visitors is also enhanced with robot-assisted services, telepresence to allow for remote visits, as well as live events enabled by mobile communications such as multi-party concerts. iTEAM is the leader of the broadcast use case.

5G-TOURS is 5G-PPP Project European Commission Call H2020-ICT-2018-2020 Grant number 856950


5G-SMART unlocks the value of 5G for smart manufacturing through demonstrating, validating and evaluating its potential in real manufacturing environments. 5G-SMART trials will test the most advanced 5G integrated manufacturing applications such as digital twin, industrial robotics and machine vision based remote operations. 5G-SMART will undertake the first ever evaluation of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC), channel measurements and co-existence between public and private industrial networks in real manufacturing environments easing the integration of 5G. The new 5G features, developed in 5G-SMART such as time synchronisation and positioning for manufacturing use cases represent a technological leap. 5G-SMART lead by Ericsson brings together a strong consortium of partners involved in every aspect of the manufacturing ecosystem. Prof. Jose F. Monserrat, member of the iTEAM, is the Innovation Manager of the Project.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 857008.



VLC-CAMPUS-5G is the project to launch a 5G technology wireless communications platform on the campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, which supports the testing of new 5G services and equipment and promotes Valencia as a 5G city. The VLC-CAMPUS-5G project is aligned with the evolution of mobile networks towards 5G, which will bring important developments and improvements not only in terms of capacity, latency, connection density, quality, and user experience, but also in terms of flexibility, efficiency, scalability, and openness of the networks, which will allow offering new services. The deployment of the VLC-CAMPUS-5G testbed is based on the expansion of the current communications infrastructures of the UPV, by the acquisition of the necessary equipment for the emission and experimental tests of 5th generation mobile services. There is currently an ultra-dense network of femtocells configured within a private operating network, a 5G network core emulator, as well as software-configured radio units and various equipment and software licenses that together configure a network 5G laboratory. This project is co-financed by the European Union through the operational program of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.



Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs (MICROCOMB) (MSCA-ITN-2018-ETN)


IP: Pascual Muñoz Muñoz. MICROCOMB is a collaborative research and training network, gathering together 17 European universities, research centers and industrial partners with complementary expertise on microresonator technology and the observation and exploitation of the microresonator frequency combs.  Microcombs are emerging as a disruptive technology for realizing precision metrology, frequency and waveform synthesis and optical processing of information on a chip-scale platform. A typical microcomb setting is a microring resonator evanescently coupled with a waveguide mode, which is pumped by a continuous wave laser by means of a non-linear process like four-wave mixing (Kerr nonlinearity). Applications of microcombs for processing information with terabit rates, take advantage of the smaller resonator length and therefore being compatible with higher data transmission rates and also of the broad spectral coverage extending over C, L and U optical transmission bands. Other applications are: astronomical research, molecular spectroscopy, arbitrary wave form generators and RF and THz signal processing and generation. Website:




IP: Pascual Muñoz Muñoz: The new action continues the previous infrastructure project (“Micro-manufacturing for photonics, electronics and chemistry” GVA / IDIFEDER / 2018/042 (2018-2020). The infrastructure is at the class 100/10000 (ISO 5 / 7) 500 m2 micro-fabrication pilot line / clean room More specifically, it is intended to complement the installation with the following equipment: 1) (Deposition) Sputter for cylindrical samples, 2) (Attack) Wet banks and attack tanks for samples and wafers up to 6 inches, 3 ) (Attack) Extraction and neutralization systems for wet banks and attack tanks, 4) (Metrology) FTIR equipment with microscope for sample analysis. 5) (Post-process) Microscopic transfer equipment by priming chips from 2-4 inches wafers to 6 inches wafers. The general objective is to develop new technological processes in the work areas of the proposing groups (ITEAM, ITQ, CI2B), specifically: I) integrated photonics, II) integrated catalytic membranes and III) electro-chemical devices.

Plataforma Hibrida de Nitruro de Silicio para Circuitos Ópticos Integrados


Co-IPs: Pascual Muñoz Muñoz / Daniel Pastor Abellán: La fotónica integrada ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos 10 años, gracias la investigación, desarrollo y explotación comercial de tecnologías genéricas, que permiten en un único micro-chip, sistemas fotónicos complejos. Estas tecnologías cubren varias partes del espectro, en función de las propiedades de los materiales empleados en fabricación, para distintas aplicaciones, entre el visible (VIS), infrarrojo cercano (NIR) y medio (MIR). Sin embargo, no existe una plataforma tecnológica de banda ancha que permita guiar luz de todo el espectro, esto es VIS, NIR y MIR. Aun si existiese, el problema de hibridación con otras tecnologías activas, para poder incorporar fuentes y detectores de luz, tampoco estaría resuelto. Junto con los dos aspectos anteriores, la creciente complejidad de los circuitos ópticos integrados (PICs) requiere de métodos de caracterización avanzada, más allá de los tradicionales. En esta propuesta se plantea investigar y desarrollar tecnologías, procesos de fabricación y diseño, junto con los métodos de caracterización asociados, para avanzar en la resolución de estos tres desafíos: i) una plataforma pasiva de integración fotónica que cubra VIS, NIR y MIR, ii) métodos de caracterización avanzados y iii) los procesos de fabricación para hibridación de con tecnologías activas. La propuesta se construye sobre la trayectoria del grupo en investigación, desarrollo y transferencia de tecnología, y está apoyada por agentes del sector público y privado relacionados, e interesados en los resultados. El grupo posee también una trayectoria de formación de recursos humanos altamente especializados y transferencia al tejido empresarial de la fotónica en general, e integrada en particular.



Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status (RAGES)

Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status (RAGES) is a two-year European project which aims to support the development and operational implementation of regional indicators, lists of elements and threshold values and integration rules for Good Environmental Status.  The RAGES project is comprised of a consortium made up of competent authorities from Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal with (regional and sub-regional) responsibility for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the North East Atlantic region, comprising the Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay and Iberian as well as Macronesian sub-regions and will work closely with the OSPAR commsision. The Signal Processing Group - Underwater Acoustic Lab of the iTEAM will work in the RAGES project both: developing machine learning algorithms for the detection of marine mammals and performing acoustic recording campaigns in the Bay of Biscay. The information obtained will be applied at a sub-regional scale to the analysis of energy and noise (Desciptor 11).  The findings and best practices will be used to recommend targets for these descriptors as well as to develop a transferrable Standard Operating Porcedure.