Proyectos de Investigación


5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN (5G-CARMEN)

2018-2021 - Área: Comunicaciones móviles - Grupo: Grupo de Comunicaciones Móviles (MCG) - Presupuesto : 600.000€

This project, funded by the European Commission, has progressed with relevant impact on research community, being declared the most active project on autonomous driving by the European Commission. The “Munich-Bologna corridor“, which covers 600 km of roads across three countries (Italy, Austria and Germany), is one of the most important corridors identified by the European Union for an initiative to improve the mobility of people and goods throughout Europe. As part of the 5G-CARMEN project, 5G technologies will be deployed along selected stretches of the motorway in the border regions.
This project has received funding from the European Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 825012 – 5G CARMEN





2017-2020 - Área: Fotónica - Grupo: Photonics Research Labs (PRL)

The core concept of BlueSpace is to exploit the added value of Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM) in the Radio Access Network (RAN) with efficient optical beamforming interface for the pragmatic Ka band wireless transmission band. Both being seamlessly integrable in next generation optical access networks infrastructures with massive beam steering capabilities and with flexible network management control. The main objectives targeted by the BlueSpace project are: to develop a truly viable and efficient path for 5G wireless communications with a 1000-fold increase in capacity, connectivity for over 1 billion users, strict latency control, and network software programming. BlueSpace targets a disruptive yet pragmatic approach for the deployment of scalable, reconfigurable and future-proof fronthaul solutions for 5G communications, offering unrivalled characteristics that include: a) increased bandwidth provision by naturally enabling and supporting massive multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transmission starting/ending in the fiber medium by enabling space diversity in the RF domain by supporting RF beam steering in the photonic domain, b) compact infrastructure that is reconfigurable by means of Software Defined (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigms and c) the possibility of providing full integration with other existing approaches for the implementation of access networks, such as Passive Optical Networks (PONs). This approach relies on the core concept of this project, which is the introduction of Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM) in the fronthaul of the mobile access network.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 762055

Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems (UMWP-CHIP)

2017-2022 - Área: Fotónica - Grupo: Photonics Research Labs (PRL)

Information and communication technology (ICT) systems are expanding at an awesome pace in terms of capacity demand, number of connected end-users and required infrastructure. To cope with these rapidly increasing growth rates there is a need for a flexible, scalable, and future-proof solution for seamlessly interfacing the wireless and photonic segments of communication networks. RF or Microwave photonics (MWP) is the best positioned technology to provide the required flexible, adaptive, and future-proof physical layer with unrivalled characteristics. Its widespread use is however limited by the high-cost, non-compact and heavy nature of its systems. Integrated Microwave Photonics (IMWP) targets the incorporation of MWP functionalities in photonic chips to obtain cost-effective and reduced space, weight, and power consumption systems. IMWP has demonstrated some functionalities in through application specific photonic circuits (ASPICs), yielding almost as many technologies as applications and preventing cost-effective industrial manufacturing processes. A radically different approach is based on a universal or general-purpose programmable photonic integrated circuit (PIC) capable of performing with the same hardware architecture the main required functionalities. The aim of this project is the design, implementation and validation of such processor based on the novel concept of photonic waveguide mesh optical core and its integration in a Silicon Photonics chip. Its three specific objectives are: (1) The architecture design and optimization of a technology agnostic universal MWP programmable signal processor; (2) The chip mask design, fabrication, and testing of the processor; and (3) The experimental demonstration and validation of the processor. Targeting record values in bandwidth and footprint its potential impact will be very large by unlocking bandwidth bottlenecks and providing seamless interfacing of the fiber and wireless segments in future ICT systems.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741415