Proyecto de Investigación

Piloto de Tecnología 5G Comunidad Valenciana (


2020 - 2021


This is a project to validate the capabilities of 5G technology in Valencia, Spain by testing 15 use cases that involve sectors of health, industry, energy, gaming, and tourism. Valencia 5G has a budget of 10,145,234 euros and involves Orange, Huawei, Arborea Intellbird, CFZ Cobots, Global Omnium Idrica, Etra Research, and Development, Red Eléctrica y de Telecomunicaciones Innovación y Tecnología and Robotnik. The project aims to contribute from three approaches: support the deployment of the first 5G networks in Spain; experiment with the network management techniques; and testing the main capabilities of the technology: ultra-reliable and low-latency communications; massive machine-to-machine communications; and extremely high speed and capacity mobile broadband. The MCG of the iTEAM will be involved in 5 out of 15 uses cases, being these: (1) Robotic Remote diagnostic. (2) Fleet management: Robotics Remote control of AGVs. (3) Robotics-Remote inspection and maintenance. (4) 5G Digital Contents. (5) Massive IoT for smart meters in supplies. The use case of robotic remote diagnostic for the skin cancer diagnostic using the 5G mobile communications network, consisting of a specialist will scan the patient remotely using robotic arms that have built-in biometric sensors that capture and process the information. On the other hand, the VLCCAMPUS-5G of the Universitat Politècnica de València, has been chosen as one of the testing scenarios.

Investigador Principal

  Narcis Cardona Marcet
