Wideband Radiating Ground Plane with Notches 2005 - Conferencias Alejandro Valero Noguiera Eva Antonino Daviu Marta Cabedo Fabrés Miguel Ferrando Bataller
Identificación de las variables de diseño de herramientas de E-learning mediante el uso de los mapas conceptuales 2005 - Conferencias Vicent Miquel Rodrigo Peñarrocha
Switch Beam Antenna with circular arrays 2005 - Conferencias Alejandro Valero Noguiera Miguel Ferrando Bataller Vicent Miquel Rodrigo Peñarrocha
Efficient mapping on FPGA of a Viterbi decoder for wireless LANs 2005 - Conferencias Javier Valls Coquillat
Efficient FPGA implementation of CORDIC algorithm for circular and linear coordinates 2005 - Conferencias Javier Valls Coquillat
Equivalent circuit representation of left-handed media in coplanar waveguide technology 2005 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Fast and accurate CAD tool of passive rectangular waveguide devices including cylindrical conducting posts 2005 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Radar cross section computation of multi-layered dielectric and magnetic obstacles using an efficient wavelet-like method 2005 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Computation of the scattering of electrically large 2D objects using FMM with TEz incidence 2005 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González Carmen Bachiller Martín Vicente E. Boria Esbert