Wavelet-like based efficient analysis of dielectric and magnetic scatterers using the equivalence principle 2005 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient CAD tool of direct-coupled-cavities filters with dielectric resonators 2005 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Máriam Taroncher Calduch Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient CAD of optimal multi-port junctions loaded with partial-height cylindrical posts using the 3D BI-RME method 2005 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
On the rigorous calculation of all ohmic losses in rectangular waveguide multi-port junctions 2005 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Máriam Taroncher Calduch Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Accurate modal representation of arbitrarily shaped multiconductor transmission lines enclosed in homogeneous waveguides 2005 - Conferencias Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
New multimodel aggressive space mapping technique for the efficient design of complex microwave circuits 2005 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Vicente E. Boria Esbert
CAD of complex passive devices composed of arbitrarily shaped waveguides using Nystro/spl uml/m and BI-RME methods 2005 - Revistas Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Máriam Taroncher Calduch Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Fast automated design of waveguide filters using aggressive space mapping with a new segmentation strategy and a hybrid optimization algorithm 2005 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Máriam Taroncher Calduch Pablo Soto Pacheco Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Fast S-domain modeling of rectangular waveguides with radially symmetric metal insets 2005 - Revistas Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Analysis and Comparison of Multimedia Inter-Stream and Group Synchronisation Algoritms 2005 - Revistas Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada
Propuesta de Arquitectura dee transmisión y Sincronización de flujos no continuos con flujos continuos 2005 - Conferencias Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada