Nonlinear prediction of infrared data by the wiener system 2002 - Conferencias Ignacio Bosch Roig Luis Vergara Domínguez Pablo Andrés Bernabéu Soler
Fast transversal filters for deconvolution in multichannel sound reproduction 2001 - Revistas Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Performance evaluation of multichannel adaptive algorithms for local active noise control 2001 - Revistas Alberto González Salvador María de Diego Antón
Practical evaluation of cross-talk cancellation regarding loudspeakers angle of listening 2001 - Revistas Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Subjective Evaluation of Actively Controlled Interior Car Noise 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Gema Piñero Sipán María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Subjective Evaluation of Active Noise Control Techniques Applied to Engine Noise 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Gema Piñero Sipán María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Relation between Time-Frequency Parameters and Psychoacoustic Features in Noise Quality Evaluation 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Gema Piñero Sipán Luis Vergara Domínguez María de Diego Antón
Improvements on Subjective Evaluation of Active Noise Control Systems 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Gema Piñero Sipán María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Simultaneous Multichannel Measurements of Acoustic Systems by means of Periodic Sequences 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Ambiophonic Multichannel Convolver Software Tool 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
PC Based Real-Time Multichannel Convolver for Ambiophonic Reproduction 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Adaptive MLSE space-diversity recepcion technique in mobile radio channels 2001 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Juan Reig Pascual Lorenzo Rubio Arjona Narcis Cardona Marcet