Acoustic Field Conformation using Multichannel Active Noise Control Systems 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Gema Piñero Sipán María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Array Processing Estimation of Sound Velocity for Non-Linearly Superimposed Acoustic Waves 2000 - Conferencias Gema Piñero Sipán Luis Vergara Domínguez
MLSE equalizer in time-dispersive channels based on an adaptive channel estimator 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Juan Reig Pascual Lorenzo Rubio Arjona Narcis Cardona Marcet
Robustness of acoustic crosstalk cancellation as a function of frequency and loudspeaker separation 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Modeling and measurement of cross-talk cancellation zones for small displacements of the listener in transaural sound reproduction with different loudspeaker arrangements 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Time domain recursive deconvolution in sound reproduction 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Some practical insights in multichannel active noise control equalization 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Practical and efficient implementation of the Levinson algorithm for multichannel sound reproduction 2000 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Analysis of inhomogeneously filled waveguides using a bi-orthonormal-basis method 2000 - Revistas Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Analysis, design, and experimental verification of microwave filters for safety issues in open-ended waveguide systems 2000 - Revistas Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Characterization of complex permittivity properties of materials in rectangular waveguides using a hybrid iterative method 2000 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient analysis of cubic junction of rectangular waveguides using admittance-matrix representation 2000 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert