An Industrial Application of Signal Processing: Ceramic Microcrack Detection 1999 - Conferencias Luis Vergara Domínguez Ramón Miralles Ricós
Ultrasonic Characterization of Scattering Media by Higher Order Spectra: A Cumulant Derivation 1999 - Conferencias Luis Vergara Domínguez Ramón Miralles Ricós
Improving detection of microcalcifications using morphological connected operators. 1999 - Conferencias
Metodo de Reduccion Global de la Tasa de Bit Para Compresion de Video 1999 - Conferencias Jorge Sastre Martínez
The Min-Norm Beamformer: A New Estimate of the Propagation Speed of Waves in a Car Exhaust 1998 - Conferencias Gema Piñero Sipán Luis Vergara Domínguez
Software toolbox for multichannel sound reproduction 1998 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López
Real time implementation of different techniques for dereverberation and cross-talk cancellation in sound reproduction 1998 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Jose Javier López