Adaptive minimisation of the maximum error signal in an active control system 1995 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador
A new Adaptation Algorithm for Active Control of Sound 1995 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Luis Vergara Domínguez
Multivariate Minimisation Algorithm For Active Noise Control of Sound 1995 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Luis Vergara Domínguez
Real-Time Multiple Error LMS Algorithm Improvements for Active Noise Control 1995 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Luis Vergara Domínguez
Improvements of Multichannel Adaptive Algorithms for Control of Noise 1995 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Luis Vergara Domínguez
Feature Extraction from K-Distributed Noise by Higher-Order Spectral Analysis 1995 - Conferencias Luis Vergara Domínguez Ramón Miralles Ricós
Grain Noise Reduction by Use of the Instantaneous Frequency. Applied 1994 - Revistas Luis Vergara Domínguez
Grain Noise Reduction by the use of the instantaneous frequency 1994 - Revistas Luis Vergara Domínguez
System Identification Techniques Applied to Frequency Characterization of Silencers 1993 - Conferencias Gema Piñero Sipán Luis Vergara Domínguez