Switchable RHCP/LHCP slotted waveguide array antenna for SATCOM on-the-move applications in Ka-band 2014 - Conferencias Alejandro Valero Noguiera José Ignacio Herranz Herruzo
CTB Directional Gradient Detection Using 2D-DWT for Intra-Frame Prediction in HEVC 2015 - Conferencias
Dominant gradient detection using Mean Directional Variance for intra-picture prediction in HEVC 2015 - Conferencias
Synthesis of open complementary split ring resonators (OCSRRs) through aggressive space mapping (ASM) and application to bandpass filters 2014 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Automated synthesis of planar wideband bandpass filters based on stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) and shunt stubs through aggressive space mapping (ASM) 2014 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
GPU-based WFS systems with mobile Virtual Sound Sources and Room Compensation 2013 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Steady-state analysis of biased filtered-x algorithms for adaptive room equalization 2014 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Laura Fuster Criado María de Diego Antón Miguel Ferrer Contreras
Paralelización en la interpolación de la decodificación por listas de códigos Reed-Solomon 2012 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Francisco José Martínez Zaldívar María de los Ángeles Simarro Haro
A parallel iterative MIMO receiver with variable complexity detectors 2013 - Conferencias Alberto González Salvador Francisco José Martínez Zaldívar María de los Ángeles Simarro Haro
A non-resonant Current and Charge Integral Equation 2013 - Conferencias Alejandro Valero Noguiera Eva Antonino Daviu Felipe Vico Bondia Miguel Ferrando Bataller