Route recovery algorithm for QoS-aware routing in MANETs 2011 - Conferencias Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada Pau Arce Vila
Evaluación del protocolo DCCP y el algoritmo TCP-Friendly para la adaptación del tráfico 2009 - Conferencias Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada Pau Arce Vila
Full-wave analysis of coaxial probes in rectangular waveguide: preliminary results for metal-loaded cavities and coaxial to rectangular waveguide transitions 2004 - Conferencias Máriam Taroncher Calduch Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Teaching of wave propagation phenomena using Matlab GUIs at the Universidad Politecnica of Valencia 2002 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González Carmen Bachiller Martín Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Multipaction modelling of low-cost H-plane filters using an electromagnetic field analysis tool 2004 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Vicente E. Boria Esbert
A new analytical method for the analysis of multiple scattering problems using spectral techniques 2002 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González Carmen Bachiller Martín Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient automated design of H plane filters with rounded corners using ASM with a segmentation strategy and hybrid optimization techniques 2004 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Highly efficient MoM analysis of conducting 2-D scatterers using wavelet basis functions 2002 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Héctor Esteban González Carmen Bachiller Martín
A versatile prototype for the accurate design of homogeneous and inhomogeneous wide bandwidth direct-coupled-cavity filters 2004 - Conferencias Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Optimization methods for the automated electromagnetic design of inductively coupled rectangular waveguide filters 2002 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient full-wave CAD tool of passive components based on coaxial waveguide junctions 2004 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Scattering by dielectric frequency-selective surfaces using a vectorial modal method 2002 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert