A versatile prototype for the accurate design of homogeneous and inhomogeneous wide bandwidth direct-coupled-cavity filters 2004 - Conferencias Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Optimization methods for the automated electromagnetic design of inductively coupled rectangular waveguide filters 2002 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient full-wave CAD tool of passive components based on coaxial waveguide junctions 2004 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Scattering by dielectric frequency-selective surfaces using a vectorial modal method 2002 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Accurate consideration of metal losses in planar waveguide junctions using an efficient integral equation technique 2004 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Héctor Esteban González Máriam Taroncher Calduch Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient CAD Tool for Inductively Coupled Rectangular Waveguide Filters with Rounded Corners 2001 - Conferencias Pablo Soto Pacheco Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Synthesis and Design Procedure for High Performance Waveguide Filters Based on Nonresonating Nodes 2007 - Conferencias Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Radar cross section computation of multi-layered dielectric and magnetic obstacles using an efficient wavelet-like method 2005 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Vicente E. Boria Esbert
An E-plane EBG waveguide for dispersion compensated transmission of short pulses 2007 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Computation of the scattering of electrically large 2D objects using FMM with TEz incidence 2005 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González Carmen Bachiller Martín Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient Analysis of Inductive Multiport Waveguide Circuits using a Surface Integral Equation Formulation 2006 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Wavelet-like based efficient analysis of dielectric and magnetic scatterers using the equivalence principle 2005 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Vicente E. Boria Esbert