Efficient full-wave modal analysis of arbitrarily shaped waveguides using BI-RME and Nystrom methods 2003 - Conferencias Ana Vidal Pantaleoni Máriam Taroncher Calduch Pablo Soto Pacheco Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Analysis and design of all-inductive filters with dielectric resonators 2003 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Analysis and applications of dielectric frequency-selective surfaces under plane-wave excitation 2003 - Conferencias José Vicente Morro Ros Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Automated design of waveguide filters using Aggressive Space Mapping with a segmentation strategy and hybrid optimization techniques 2003 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Pablo Soto Pacheco Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Modal computation of arbitrary waveguides composed of linear, circular and elliptical arcs 2003 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Pablo Soto Pacheco Santiago Cogollos Borrás Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient CAD of optimal multi-port junctions loaded with partial-height cylindrical posts using the 3D BI-RME method 2005 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Multipactor prediction in novel high-power low-pass filters with wide rejection band 2009 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient Analysis and Design Strategies for Evanescent Mode Ridge Waveguide Filters 2006 - Conferencias Pablo Soto Pacheco Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Compact and highly selective right/left-handed loaded coplanar waveguide lines 2009 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Efficient CAD of Generalized Coaxial Probes in Rectangular Waveguide using the 3D BI-RME Method 2006 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
High power analysis and design of dual-mode channel filters 2009 - Conferencias Vicente E. Boria Esbert
New efficient and robust automated design strategy for H plane direct-coupled-cavities filters with dielectric resonators 2006 - Conferencias Héctor Esteban González José Vicente Morro Ros Carmen Bachiller Martín Vicente E. Boria Esbert