New objective QoE models for evaluating ABR algorithms in DASH 2020 - Revistas Ismael de Fez Lava Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada Román Belda Ortega
Proxy-based near real-time TV content transmission in mobility over 4G with MPEG-DASH transcoding on the cloud 2019 - Revistas Ismael de Fez Lava Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada Pau Arce Vila Román Belda Ortega
Available bandwidth estimation for adaptive video streaming in mobile ad hoc 2019 - Revistas Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada Pau Arce Vila
Interoperability network for traffic forecast and full electric vehicles power supply management within the smart city 2019 - Revistas Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada
Parallel SUMIS Soft Detetor for Large MIMO Sytems on Multicore and GPU 2019 - Revistas Alberto González Salvador María de los Ángeles Simarro Haro
Information-Theoretic Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Optimal Demappers for Multi-Layer Broadcast Systems 2018 - Revistas David Gomez-Barquero
Analysis and Design of a Metamaterial Lens Antenna Using the Theory of Characteristics Modes 2018 - Revistas Eva Antonino Daviu Miguel Ferrando Bataller
Estimating the Laplacian matrix of Gaussian mixtures for signal processing on graphs 2018 - Revistas Addisson Salazar Luis Vergara Domínguez
Airborne non-contact and contact broadband ultrasounds for frequency attenuation profile estimation of cementitious materials 2018 - Revistas Ignacio Bosch Roig Jorge Gosalbez Castillo
Flipped Accumulative Non-Linear Single Impact ResonanceAcoustic Spectroscopy (FANSIRAS): A novel feature extractionalgorithm for global damage assessment 2018 - Revistas Jorge Gosalbez Castillo
Empty substrate integrated waveguide technology for E plane high-frequency and high-performance circuits 2017 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Vicente E. Boria Esbert