Ultrasonic signal modality: A novel approach for concrete damage evaluation 2017 - Revistas Jorge Gosalbez Castillo Ramón Miralles Ricós
Cross-guide Moreno directional coupler in empty substrate integrated waveguide 2017 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Empty substrate integrated waveguide technology for E plane high-frequency and high-performance circuits 2017 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Chromatic dispersion compensation and coherent Direct-Sequence OCDMA operation on a single super structured FBG 2012 - Revistas
Design Equations of Flat Top Super Structured Fibre Bragg Gratings for WDM-Coherent Direct Sequence OCDMA 2012 - Revistas
Enhancing the Multiplexing Capabilities of Sensing Networks using Spectrally Encoded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 2017 - Revistas
Coherent Direct Sequence Optical En/Decoding Employing Low Cost DFB Lasers with Narrow Optical Band Consumption – Towards Realizable Photonic Label Switching 2011 - Revistas
An Interrogation Technique of FBG Cascade Sensors Using Wavelength to Radio-Frequency Delay Mapping 2015 - Revistas
Spatial Division Multiplexed Microwave Signal processing by selective grating inscription in homogeneous multicore fibers 2017 - Revistas David Barrera Vilar Ivana Gasulla Mestre Salvador Sales Maicas