Empty substrate integrated waveguide technology for E plane high-frequency and high-performance circuits 2017 - Revistas Héctor Esteban González Vicente E. Boria Esbert
Influence of the quality of consumer headphones in the perception of spatial audio 2016 - Revistas Jose Javier López Pablo Gutierrez-Parera
Ultrasonic signal modality: A novel approach for concrete damage evaluation 2017 - Revistas Jorge Gosalbez Castillo Ramón Miralles Ricós
Coherent optical en/decoding employing discrete prolate spheroidal sequences based super structured FBGs 2015 - Revistas
Microwave photonics: Harnessing slow light 2011 - Revistas Ivana Gasulla Mestre José Capmany Francoy Salvador Sales Maicas
Microwave photonics: The programmable processor 2016 - Revistas Ivana Gasulla Mestre José Capmany Francoy
Interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors using a VCSEL and correlation techniques 2015 - Revistas
Integrable microwave filter based on a photonic crystal delay line 2012 - Revistas Ivana Gasulla Mestre José Capmany Francoy Salvador Sales Maicas