Alemany, Rubén ralemany@upvnet.upv.es 963877007 - 88275
On a first stage of my professional career I participated in several R&D projects on radio-over-fiber systems and microwave photonics technologies for telecom applications in the Nanophotonics Technology Center at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (NTC-UPV). I later worked on the development of photonic integrated sensors for biosensing applications in the Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales de la Universidad de Valencia (ICMUV). Currently, I’m promoting the integration of photonic applications into Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) through the Application Support Center constituted in the Photonics Research Labs in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (PRL-UPV) under the PICs4All European project while researching on integrated microwave photonic tuneable filters.
Alepuz Benaches, Irene iralbe@iteam.upv.es 96 387 70 07 ext. 88141
Irene Alepuz Benaches is working at the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) as a technician. She obtained her MSc. in Telecommunication Engineering by Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain in 2010 by defending her Master Thesis through the Erasmus Grant at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway (NTNU). In 2011, she received a second MSc. in Telecommunication Technologies, Systems and Networks and she did her second Master Thesis at the Nanophotonic Technology Centre (NTC) at UPV. In 2012 she joined the Mobile Communication Group (MCG) in the iTEAM from the UPV. At the iTEAM, he has been working in a collaboration project with the company Astellia S.A., were her work was focused on R+D for optimization of mobile networks and location-based algorithms. Later, she joined the project management team of the 5G-XCAST project. Nowadays, she is working on the project management team of the 5G-RECORDS, FUDGE-5G and iNGENIOUS projects. Moreover, at the 5G-RECORDS project she is the deputy project manager.
Banchero Martínez, Lucas lbanmar@upv.es
Barjau, Carlos carbare1@iteam.upv.es
Belda Ortega, Román robelor@iteam.upv.es +34 96 3879588
Román Belda received the Computer Science degree from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain, in 2004. He is currently working towards the M.S. degree in telematics at UPV.
He also currently works as a researcher at the Multimedia Communications research group (COMM) of the iTEAM Institute, UPV. His areas of interest are mobile applications and multimedia transmission protocols.
Bernabe, Matteo matteo.bernabe2@gmail.com
Bolea Boluda, Mario mabobo1@alumni.upv.es
Castelló Palacios, Sergio sercaspa@upv.es
Crespo Aguado, María mcreagu@iteam.upv.es
Curieses Sanz, Francisco Javier fracusa1@iteam.upv.es
Hernández, Carlos chernan@iteam.upv.es
Hernández Gobertti, Fernando fahergob@iteam.upv.es
Ibáñez Latorre, Álvaro alibla@iteam.upv.es
Iñesta Hernández, Borja borieher@iteam.upv.es
Llorca Algarra, Sergio serlloal@iteam.upv.es
López-Pérez, David Distinguised Researcher d.lopez@iteam.upv.es
Dr. David López-Pérez is a Distinguished Researcher at Universitat Politècnica de València. Prior to this, David was an Expert and Technical Leader at Huawei Technologies, Paris, and a Distinguished Member of Staff at Nokia Bell Labs, Dublin. David has devoted most of his career to the study of both cellular and Wi-Fi networks, where his main research interests are in network performance analysis, both theoretical- and simulation-based, network planning and optimisation as well as green networking and technology and feature development. David's main contributions are around the understanding of small cells and ultra-dense networks as well as green communications. He has also pioneered work on cellular and Wi-Fi inter-working, and investigated both multi-antenna capabilities and ultra-reliable low latency features for future indoor networks. David was recognised as Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Staff in 2019, has authored a book on small cells, a book on ultra-dense networks, and has published more than 150 research manuscripts on a variety of related topics. David has filed 59 patents applications with more than 25 granted as of today, and has received a number of prestigious awards (IEEE WCNC 2019 Best student paper award, IEEE Globecom 2022 best paper award). Among others, David has also been project lead at Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance, and is a retired editor of IEEE TWC.
Lozano Teruel, Raúl raulote@iteam.upv.es
Martínez Palomo, Lucía lumarpa2@iteam.upv.es
Micó Rosa, Sergio sermiro@iteam.upv.es
Montilla Vicent, Aarón aamonvi@iteam.upv.es
Murcia Chaparro, Óscar Daniel odmurcha@iteam.upv.es
Pruñonosa Casado, Raquel rapruca@upvnet.upv.es
Roche Peris, Jorge jorrocp1@iteam.upv.es
Rodrigo Castillo, Adrián arodcas@iteam.upv.es
Adrián Rodrigo Castillo is a research engineer at iTeam. Graduated at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos university on Telecom and media systems engineering and student of Telecommunications masters degree at the same university. Interested in different fields of technology, including electronics, audio and video production, compression and distribution, robotics, software engineering, automotive industry, wireless technologies, etc. Currently part of the H2020 European project 5G-RECORDS and Piloto Nacional 5G by RED.es
Sánchez Roldán, Jaime jaisanro@iteam.upv.es
Urgelles Pérez, Helen hurgper@upvnet.upv.es
Vacalebri Lloret, Francisco fvacllo@iteam.upv.es
Vallejo Castro, Luis luivalc2@upvnet.upv.es
I am a researcher engineer at the iTEAM Research Institute of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. I finished a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master in Telecommunication Engineering in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In 2017, I did an Erasmus Postgraduate in Kassel (Germany), where I developed my Master Thesis. I currently study a Double Master in Telecommunication Engineering and Telematics and Telecommunication Networks. I worked at Keysight Technologies as Test & Verification Engineer, in particular with GS-8800 and GS-9000 Test Systems and 2G/3G/A-GPS samples management.
van der Zon, Louw Roel LRvanderZon@upv.es
Viciedo Mata, Iván ivvima@iteam.upv.es
Villaescusa Tebar, Álvaro alvilte1@iteam.upv.es